Family Photo Shot List for Wedding Photography


Hello! This is the page where you let me know which posed photos you'd like taken. Of course, I try to get everyone who came to the wedding at least in one photograph, but these are the posed "family mantle shots" where everyone is smiling and looking at the camera (as much as humanly possible). Feel free to check off the ones you want! I try to keep posed pictures as short as possible, but keep in mind the more groupings there are, the longer it takes,. 

* Name
* Email Address
Bride + Groom + Groom's ENTIRE FAMILY + Bride's ENTIRE FAMILY
Bride + Groom + Bride's ENTIRE FAMILY (Extended and Immediate)
Bride + Groom + Bride's Parents + Bride's Siblings + Bride's Grandparents
Bride + Groom + Bride's Grandparents
Bride + Groom + Bride's Grandparents + Groom's Grandparents
Bride + Groom + Bride's Parents/Siblings + Bride's Grandparents + Groom's Parents/Siblings + Groom's Grandparents
Bride + Groom + Groom's ENTIRE FAMILY (Extended and Immediate)
Bride + Groom + Groom's Parents + Groom's Siblings + Groom's Grandparents
Bride + Groom + Groom's Grandparents
Bride + Bride's Mom
Bride + Bride's Dad
Bride + Bride's Mom + Bride's Dad
Bride + Bride's Siblings + Bride's Parents
Bride + Groom + Bride's Siblings + Bride's Parents
Bride + Groom + Bride's Parents
Bride + Groom + Bride's Parents + Groom's Parents
Bride + Groom + Bride's Parents + Bride's Siblings + Groom's Parents + Groom's Siblings
Bride + Groom + Groom's Parents + Groom's Siblings
Bride + Groom + Groom's Parents
Groom + Groom's Parents + Groom's Siblings
Groom + Groom's Parents
Groom + Groom's Mom
Groom + Groom's Dad
Bride + Bride's Siblings
Bride + Groom + Bride's Siblings
Bride + Groom + Groom's Siblings + Bride's Siblings
Bride + Groom + Groom's Siblings
Groom + Groom's Siblings
Bride + Bride's Children
Bride + Sons
Bride + Daughters
Bride + EACH Child
Bride + Daughters + Sons
Bride + Groom + ALL Children
Bride + Groom + Daughters
Bride + Groom + Sons
Groom + Sons
Groom + Daughters
Groom + Groom's Children
Groom + EACH Child
Other Special Shots (list them, separating by comma):
4 + 2 = This helps us prevent spambots.

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